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Buy a hotel gift card and let your recipient choose
from over 750,000 hotels,over 1,200 brands
in over 170 countries.

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We've partnered with over 750,000 hotels worldwide

Where you can go with Hotelgift

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Where can your recipient go?

Our hotel gift certificates offer a huge range of destinations

Good times await

The best travel gift for limitless adventures

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Our Hotel Gift Card FAQs

Which hotels can I use Hotelgift with?

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It’s possible to use a Hotelgift for hotel stays with over 1,200 hotel chains worldwide, including the Hilton DoubleTree, Holiday Inn, Marriott, and more.

Can I book more than one hotel stay with a Hotelgift?

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If you have any balance remaining on your hotel gift certificate, you can use it for another booking on our booking engine.

How can I give a hotel stay as a gift?

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You can give a hotel stay as a gift by buying a Hotelgift, a gift card for hotel stays. You can choose to send a hotel gift card via three shipment methods:

1. eGift: send a digital gift card to your recipient’s email address. They will receive an email with the personalized gift card, instructions, and a code to redeem.
2. Printable PDF: send a PDF to your inbox, print it out at home, and follow the instructions to fold it into a card. That’s it, you’re ready to give it to the lucky recipient in person.
hotelgift has e gift card or gift cards to print out
3. Physical gift card: send a physical gift card by mail. Deliver it to their address or yours to give it later in person. We ship all physical gift cards with free priority mail to the US and the rest of the world.

Where can I read Hotelgift reviews?

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Hotelgift has delighted thousands of customers with the gift of a hotel stay since 2014. You can find verfied Hotelgift reviews on Google and Trustpilot.

How long are Hotelgift card valid?

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Our hotel gift cards are valid for 2 years after the purchase date.

Hotelgift takes you further

Give someone an hotel gift card, or book your hotel stay